The ball is owned by its original owner who now lives in Florida. He attended one of the 1944 World Series games with his father. The autographs were obtained at that time. The ball has been in storage all these years. The leather has darkened with age but is in good shape.
The 1944 World Series Autographed Baseball is signed by the following Browns players.
Chet Laabs* LF
George Caster P
Denny Galhouse** P
Milton (Milt) Byrens OF
Frank Mancuso* C
Vem Stephens* SS
Luke Swell, Manager
Robert (Bob) Muncriefl'* P
W eldon (Lefty) West P
Tex Shirley P
Jack Kramer** P
Mark Christman* 3B signed on side of above names
Sam Zoldak P
Don Gutteridge* 2B
Al Hollingworth P
Nelson Potter** P
Fred Hofman, Coach
Floyd Baker, IF
Zack Taylor, Coach
Jack (Sig) Jakucki** P
Ellis Clary IF
Mike Kreevick* CF
Gene Moore* RF
Red Hayworth * C
George McQuinn* IB
Mike Chartak IF
Individuals who did not sign the ball:
Tom Hafey OF
Charlie DeWitte, Traveling Secretary
AI Zarilla OF
Joseph (Joe) Schultz C
*Usually in the starting line-up
* * Five main starting pitchers
Asking price is $2,800. Contact Robert Kitterer at or (941) 966-8154.