Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mighty Kratz Has Spoiled the Day

The outlook was brilliant for the Cardinal nine that day...
The score stood 7-4, only six outs in the way...
And good old Zeppo coming in, he'll get those lefties out...
But Zeppo can't locate home plate and Matheny is in doubt...
Two on, no outs, what should a manger do now?...
Mitchell Boggs will douse that fire, no runs will he allow!...
And just like that two outs ensue!...
The Philly fans are restless and some begin to boo...
And then advancing to the plate is Mighty Erik Kratz...A second string receiver with only a few at bats...
From the grandstand filled with fanatics there went up a muffled roar...
"NO, not that bum" the Philly fans implore...
With a smile of Christian charlty great Kratz's visage shone...
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on...
And now Boggs holds the ball and now he lets it go...
And now the air is shattered by the force of Kratz's blow......
Oh! Somewhere in America the sun is shining bright...
A band is playing somewhere and in Philly hearts are light...And somewhere folks are laughing and somewhere children play...
But there's no joy in Cardinal Nation...
Mighty Kratz has spoiled the day.....

Bud Kane 

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